Sunday, May 02, 2010


He’s snooty, she’s manipulative, they’re only into themselves…. such premonitions about people and their characters is quite common not only at the workplace, but even during school days.

See, everybody has a right to their opinion. Now whether they wish to express it openly or share it with a select few is an entirely different matter. Or maybe not let it out at all.

Just like you, I’ve had my share of judgemental views on certain people I hadn’t interacted with earlier but I reckon it all changes later. Over time, you discover various things about a person and in some of them, there’s a substantial merit that you can learn from or use at a later stage.  It could be an approach to a problem, a good habit or even timely aggression in a given situation.

Everyone’s set back with a few screw ups but people are good on the whole. There’s many positives that edge out the negatives.

1 comment:

Amit said...

Second that dude!

Coincidently when I was telling something very similar to a friend of mine, she pointed me to some psychology theory that propounds that 'all human beings are basically good'. Your thoughts. Almost.