Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yellow Headless Wanderer

A month ago, a lot of things started going awry. Something, someone or a whiff of nothing wished me the best for life at Pune and so there I was, feeling very odd one Saturday evening sometime late August. High fever came and subsided for two nights so malaria was pinpointed on my guesstimate. The blood test turned out negative. So I took another to realise it was jaundice. Awesome. Strike #1.

I spent a few days at family’s place in Pune feeling terrible. Then I got back to Mumbai soon after where I felt a little less terrible for the remaining part of my monthly recluse. Home is best. I’ve never seen so many movies (at home) in such a short span. Nor have I seen so many hours of useless content  on TV either.

In that one month, I missed 3 landmark events at work. Crap. And then I made my way back to the office this week strapped with half day regimes on the timetable. I didn’t manage to stick to them. Something just kept coming up. This happened for the first two days.

Then HR planned an outbound for the entire Marketing team at Kolhad covering 3 days, starting today at 6am. Wow. Of course, crippled as I am, I couldn’t afford to go along. Over-exertion would have had my body sprawled across the beach/road/tent/jungle space and motionless too I’m sure. The diet you see, that’s what makes it happen. No fat. No proteins.

A diet that will last months – don’t forget that. And like I told AB, (as soon as he told me the same), I’ve accepted this diet dictat. Fate. Fatte. Solid.

HR sent an internal announcement mail stating my boss was now to head another vertical starting next month. That means from the day after tomorrow. I am headless at this point.

The incessant bile present under my epidermis continues to draw eyeballs every now and then. People point to my hand or neck and query, “But you still have yellow right?”. I counter this  with a solemn shake of the head and explain to them that intricate cycle of bile in this process.

On the (only) clear cut positive outcome  from all this blah blah --

1. This blog has awakened.


Ameya said...

Welcome back!

Khamir Purohit said...

Hope u leave the blues behind and get back to the pink of health soon.

Strange that while you had so much time at hand, u didnt blog!